Results and records
Slalom & Trick League
This year we see the return of the trick league and we hope we get all former trickers and lots of newbies to partake. It could not be simpler as the rounds take place in your own club and each club now has a federation trick ski if you don’t own your own.
Eileen Galvin will be the central organiser and bank of scores etc. There are 3 rounds. These rounds are remote i.e. at your own club.
Mon to Sun
June 17th-23rd
July 8th - 14th
August 5th – 11th
Email womeninsport@irishwwf.ie with any queries. The website will have bulletins, rules, regulations, tricks, and their points.
Tricks Info for clubs
Trick List 2024
Trick course at a glance
Competition Licences
All participants in IWWF events need to hold a competition Licence. The licence fee goes back into the sport to support and develop all aspects of the sport in Ireland. Licences are available online (see below). The Licence application can be completed ahead of the event. Anyone wishing to get a licence must be a member of an affiliated Club. Non-members may purchase an Individual Federation Membership for €45. To encourage new participants in competition, the Federation has decided that licences for members affiliated with a club will be FREE OF CHARGE.
CLICK HERE to apply for an IrWWF licence
Athletes competing internationally will need an EMS licence, which you can get from here:
AGM & Meeting minutes
Minutes can be found on password protected pages. To access, please request the password